
新西蘭企業家:中國新興技術助力新西蘭農業生產 | 三中全會·世界觀

發布時間:2024年07月18日 13:58     來源:中國新聞網

  “我切身感受到了中國技術的力量,(中國的電動車等)技術已經給新西蘭帶來了改變,比如,新西蘭農民就發現電動汽車在農業生產中也有用武之地。” 新西蘭最大商業協會——新西蘭雇主及制造商協會(EMA)首席執行官歐百利在采訪中,對中國技術做出了高度評價。


  "I see through how Chinese technology is helping. It's making a difference in New Zealand already. And New Zealand farmers are seeing that there are opportunities to use electric vehicles on the farm," noted Brett Raymond O'Riley, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA), the largest of its kind in the country, in a recent interview with China News Network.

  O'Riley acknowledged the leading advantages of Chinese technologies in some areas and suggested some areas in New Zealand worth noticing for Chinese investors, such as new materials, the dairy industry, and agriculture. He expects the two sides to further cooperation opportunities and achieve common growth. (Lin Zhuowei)


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