

發布時間:2024年04月24日 17:23     來源:中國新聞網

  過去十年來,作為共建“一帶一路”倡議的旗艦項目和標志性品牌,中歐班列已經成為連接亞洲與歐洲的重要物流通道,在紅海危機擾亂全球貨物運輸的背景下,彰顯出其獨特的價值和意義。圍繞相關話題,中國新聞網專訪巴基斯坦前駐華外交官、巴基斯坦可持續發展政策研究所“一帶一路”和全球治理區域研究中心主任哈桑·達烏德(Hassan Daud),柏林自由大學副教授、歐委會經濟高級顧問康保銳(Berthold Kuhn),前澳大利亞中國工商業委員會董事會成員、絲綢之路國際商會澳大利亞代表戴若·顧比(Daryl Guppy)等多名國際問題專家學者。受訪專家學者認為,中歐班列的發展為共建“一帶一路”國家帶來新的機遇,也為全球經濟的穩定與增長做出更大貢獻。(陳天浩 甘甜 趙麗 魏晨曦 陳彩霞)

  As an extensive network of rail services connecting China and Europe, the China-Europe Railway Express (CRE) shows its unique significance as uncertainties like the Red Sea crisis are wreaking havoc on global trade. In this regard, China News Network had conversations with global experts including Hassan Daud, associate professor at Bahria University and former director of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project; Berthold Kuhn, associate professor at Freie Universität Berlin and consultant to the European Commission etc. They believe the development of CRE gives new impetus into the development of the countries involved, and makes contribution to the stability and growth of the world’s economy.


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