
【龍騰九州 福暖四季】二次元話成語:“龍鳳呈祥”的“龍鳳”為何寓意美好姻緣?

發(fā)布時間:2024年02月08日 12:20     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

  【龍騰九州 福暖四季】二次元話成語:“龍鳳呈祥”的“龍鳳”為何寓意美好姻緣?


  伴隨著楚國的衰落直至滅亡(公元前223年),北方成了政治中心。北方所尊崇的圖騰龍,變成了皇權的象征, 鳳成了從屬。皇帝身穿龍袍,皇后則頭戴鳳冠,這是鳳在性別上的一個重大轉變,它開始用來指代女性。


  lóng fèng chéng xiáng refers to something auspicious and joyful.

  Loong is the Chinese dragon, while Feng means a phoenix. As the earliest totem of the Chu State (1115 BC-223 BC), the Phoenix is inherently genderless, symbolizing the values of truth, goodness, and beauty.

  However, over time, it became intertwined with Huang, a female phoenix, and started to represent a male phoenix.

  With the decline and eventual collapse of the Chu State, the political center shifted to northern China.

  The totem of Northern China, Chinese dragon, or Loong, became the predominant symbol of imperial power, overshadowing the Phoenix.

  During the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279), Feng began to represent women.

  Emperors were dressed in robes featuring intricate Long designs, while empresses wore the phoenix crown, marking a significant shift in symbolism.

  Consequently, Feng became associated with women.

  Today, lóng fèng chéng xiáng is mainly used in wedding ceremonies, indicating that the couple is harmonious and the marriage is happy.


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